Brewing Chocolate - (80 OZ/5 lbs.) Volta French Roast - Brewing Cocoa ( Brewed Cacao )


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Product Overview

BREWED CHOCOLATE. Volta French takes the classic Volta flavor and pushes it to its darkest. It has a roasted, rich mocha-like flavor with some smokiness. 
Choffy has a clean energy source. Theobromine…Clean, long lasting and non-addictive energy without the jitters and without the crash! often found in other drinks.

This revolutionary new drink is made with one Ingredient – 100% pure, premium cocoa beans which are carefully hand – selected and dried naturally by the sun to enhance the full – bodied chocolate flavour. They are then roasted and milled to perfection to produce the world’s most flavourful cocoa grounds.

100% Pure Cocoa grounds...Keto, Paleo, Non - GMO, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free..Vegan, Antioxidant Rich.
The 80 oz. (5lb) bag size provides a savings of $15.00 (that's like getting an extra 12 oz. bag for free!) compared to the equivalent in our smaller 12 oz. size.


Approximately 144-160 - 6 oz. servings


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